In the framework of INTEGRA project RISCC produced a poster, which contains information about the Jus Scholae award.
RISCC and the local stakeholders have made a number of recommendations for improving policies and practices. One of proposals accepted by the Municipality of Rubano and resulting from the analysis and study of the INTEGRA project, was the constitution of the Jus Scholae award - honorary citizenship to children who have completed at least one cycle of studies in municipal schools. The award is a form of public recognition for the efforts of young citizens to get to know the local culture of the country, learn the language and integrate in the school and communal life. The new award aims to strengthen the sense of belonging, citizen participation and social cohesion in Rubano.
During the online campaign which RISCC conducts in cooperation with the Municipality of Rubano, the poster will be spread through social media.
RISCC Rubano created a video presenting the Integra Days in Rubano. The video gives general information about INTEGRA project, its achievements and the challenges TCN integration faces and the future steps for overcoming them.
The video presents different points of view: of an employer - owner of an enterprise providing work to TCN, a migrant working in a multicultural restaurant, a photographer specializing in taking photos of migrants, and the mayor of Rubano Ms. Sabrina Doni.
The video focuses on key-actions to be implemented as INTEGRA follow-up to enhance integration and social cohesion. These actions will be part of the local authorities' programme for the next five years. The role of culture in this process is critical and the city of Rubano is committed to continue working in the direction of including it.