Our INTEGRA 2020 migrant integration cause calendar is now available for free download in English and in Bulgarian. Let it inspire you to incorporate in your organisation’s plan some of the cause awareness days, or some of the motivational ideas. Share it with your colleagues and stakeholders to trigged action. There are so many special days to remember! There are all those times when you lose your motivation and keen interest to be a driver of change! Do not worry. Now that you start working on your New Year’s resolution, it is time to set your sight on some other important opportunities to take action. And every day in 2020 when you look at the INTEGRA migrant integration calendar, be reminded you are not alone, and we together should take responsibility for the dignity, safety and before future for all. The calendar is produced by SDA INTEGRA project team.

On November 21st Centre for peace, nonviolence and human rights held a presentation to students of Academy for Arts and Culture Osijek within the project #INTEGRA - Integration of third country nationals through urban partnerships.
Within Migration processes and cultural identitiy in EU class, students get insight in both internal and external aspects of migration law and EU policy. The purpose of this class was to teach the students about migration proceses in EU, their impact on the cultural identity, and the importance of respecting human rights in the context of migration of EU law.
During the presentation Centre for peace presented to the students all their capmaign activities in the framework of INTEGRA since the begging of the project.
Presentation contained information about the very essence of #INTEGRA project, which is better managing legal channels for skilled migrants and making it attractive to them to come and settle in the EU which helps challenges of the refugee crisis.
Students were particularly interested in the awareness campaign that is currently being undertaken. During the presentation, Centre for peace offered the students homemade Barazek cookies, the recipe of which was a part of the campaign.